Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 12, 2014

Woo...I'm old now!  Yep today is my birthday.  I spent the day moving stuff out of our old apartment...but I had pizza for lunch and I will have brownies tonight to celebrate.  It's been a good birthday.

Well we're still traveling back and forth between Pisa and Livorno.  It sounds like we'll be doing it for the next couple of weeks until they can find us a new apartment in Livorno.  Guess I'll just have to brush up on my train contacting.  Haha in fact, the other day we gave it a try.  Just being nice, my companion asked a lady where she was going.  Bluntly she asked, "Why are you asking?"  Then she got up and changed seats.  Well that didn't go so well haha.  We'll have to give it another try I guess.

In the past couple of weeks, our branch mission leader and ward missionaries have been planning to do a fast for the missionaries so that we could find new investigators.  They also planned to go out with us a couple of times to do finding work.  Last sunday, we did this fast.  While we were out working that afternoon, our branch mission leader gave us a call and asked if he could go out and work with us on whatever it was that we were doing.  We were just doing street finding, but he accepted to come with us.  Usually we never find anybody that will listen to us, but this time, we got the number of a young woman who wants to come a take a look at our church!  We also found a man who talked to us for a long time and agreed to see us again next week.  The way to finding new investigators is through the members.  If all members were to help us out just a little like our branch mission leader did, the work would really pick up the pace.  We are considering a new strategy to finding here in Livorno.

Well I better be on my way!  Love you all!  Vi voglio tanto bene!  Ciao!

-Anziano Cody Petterborg

So the members in Livorno go to the temple in Switzerland.  Apparently, they go for a a couple days at a time and they have places to sleep up there.  Kind of interesting.  It will be super convenient when they get Rome finished up.  When they need books, usually the branch orders in bulk and passes them out that way.  If they need something specific, they can go online or they can talk to the ward librarian who can order it for them.  That's how we get members scriptures and stuff.

They haven't found us an appartment yet but I had an interview with President Dibb the other day and he told me that I really shouln't expect a new apartment for a while...probably not until next transfer.  So I'm going to be traveling back and forth for a little while.
Unfortunately we haven't seen our less active deaf member for a while...we've had a mixture of some bad weather and difficult circumstaces with traveling back and forth...but it's always cool to meet with her.

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