Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gennaio 8, 2014

Well we've begun our new year.  Hope you've all come up with some really
great resolutions.  I think I have a couple of good ones, but, of course,
they're all related to missionary work.  I will be in Italy for all of
2014!!  Weird right?  I'm excited.

Well last P Day we didn't do too much.  We played some games in the morning
and went for a bike ride up to the top of Montenero.  Montenero is a tall
mountain on the south part of Livorno that allows you to look over the
whole city and the coast.  It's really pretty!  We got there just in time
for the sunset and it was gorgeous.  Perhaps the best part of the day was
coasting down the mountain at an excting pace.

The other day walking through the park, we stopped a guy and talked a
little about faith.  He was really open to talk to us.  He told us about an
experience he had when he was in a coma.  He told us that he saw a bunch of
his friends and met a man "con una barba" who told him that he had to go
back because there were things he had to do still.  He was quite interested
in the Plan of Salvation.  He told us that we couldn't see him until the
end of the month but we are looking forward to seeing him.  At the end of
our encounter, he let us say a prayer with him and I think he really
enjoyed that.

Well that's all folks!  Love you all!  Buon capo d'anno!  Auguri!  Ciao!

-Anziano Cody Petterborg

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